One day at a time

     There has to be an answer, right?  Still going thru this illness journey  but determined.  I do feel that I, along with my daughter and a couple of friends, have figured out what "it" is.  I am convinced it is Lyme Disease.  This is both encouraging and discouraging.  I choose to concentrate on the encouraging part!! One thing I have found already, thru hours and hours of research on this is that it is taboo in the medical field for some strange reason.

     I believe ALL things happen for a reason, that reason being for the betterment of mankind in one way or another, according to God's will.  This has been a long, tiring, emotional journey thus far, but I do have hope and I do believe something wonderful will come of it all.  I have decided to use this blog to really journal the journey!  I have not kept up with it for a very long time due to this illness, but I really feel led to bring light to this disease and the controversy surrounding it.

    I will journal what I am eating, natural treatments, newest info I find, doctor's reactions, and hopefully many healing stories from others going thru this.  Day by day there are things I will change in my own life in hopes of reaching that ultimate healing i sooooo strongly desire.  I found such exciting information while researching and I know it made me feel hopeful and that is what I
 hope to share with others!

     I am presently in a flare up of this confusing life zapping condition.  I'm just going to start this journaling journey today by telling you about the new vitamins I am starting in hopes of building up my bodies energy levels and hopefully strengthening me at the cellular level eventually.  If it works ~ fantastic!! If it doesn't, well, off to the next try!

     At the request of my neurologist, I have purchased vitamin B12 that also includes B1, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, Folic Acid, Biotin, and Pantothenic Acid in a sublingual form (drops used under the tongue).  I am to take 1000mcg a day.  However, I am so sensitive to EVERYTHING that goes into my body, I am choosing to cut that in half for a week or so to see how I do and then move up to the requested dosage.  I bought the drops from the Health Food store in Dayton, Ohio.  I go there often and love their broad selection.  I started the drops yesterday. Yuck!  Not going to lie to ya friends, it's not so tasty.. That's okay, if it makes me feel better, I'm okay with that! Let's see how it goes!

     I also bought Pau D Arco in drops to use sublingually or to mix in water and just drink.  I also bought  this in a tea.  I do enjoy the taste of this herb.  I used to take it by capsule many years ago. Pau D Arco is known to cleanse the internal body.  It is also known to have a positive action on cysts, tumors, etc.. It has many other healing properties as well.  I will go into those on a later entry.

     So, for today, I am taking the vitamin b12, along with drops of the Pau D Arco in water.  I also am going to do my best to cut out sugar from my diet, although I will continue to use Honey!! I'm going to stuff more veggies and fruits into my diet where ever I can and however I can and ORGANIC ONLY!! Above is today's side dish drink to my grilled wild caught Orange Roughy.  It holds in it's ingredients the following : 1 Peach, A large handful of Kale, 1 Carrot, 1 tsp. honey with cinnamon, 1 tsp. coconut oil, 1 cup of filtered water.  I liquified all of this together in my "bullet like" contraption i bought from walmart.  I LOVE that thing!! It tastes great, though I like a little green taste so to others it may taste a little earthy. ;)

     Okay, that is all for now.  My joints are hurting and I think I will feel better if I get up and move those bad boys around a bit.  Before I go ~ I want to tell you, NEVER give up!! Keep looking!! Research !  Do not settle for a Doctor that you do not feel is truly taking you seriously and thinking outside the box.  It's a journey, but worth taking!  We need to share information to grow a community that actually understands this disease/condition.  Pray daily!  Lean on the Lord, He has broad shoulders!! <3

Here's to better days!,
