Stop watching the clock


Stop Watching the Clock

        I love listening to Sermons on Podcasts.  I have subscriptions to probably at least ten different Speakers/Preachers.  There is nothing I enjoy more during my day of mundane chores and errands than to soak in a good Bible based message or three!  

       There are different styles of delivering the messages.  I am one that doesn't need to hear a certain style to get something from it.  One has to be listening for the right reasons and with a thirst, that is all it takes to hear the Lord speak.  

    Here is where my despondency lies ~ 
The clock... Of course there are similar messages being spoken and that is great because there are always different views or stories that may make that particular message "click" for me.  However, one thing I seem to hear over and over in most of these sermons is little references about "not keeping the congregation too long", or "I'll hurry up and get you out of here", or "don't worry, I promise to only read two verses and get to the message".   This puzzles me.  It saddens me.

    Here is what comes to my heart every single time I hear this happening:

"Quench Not the Spirit"

    I have witnessed this happen in so many services of every denomination.  This doesn't just lie at the Preacher feet though!! As members, we also go into the sanctuary with an ending time in mind.  We have become accustomed to going for our hour, hour and a half and moving on with our day in whatever activity is planned.  Honestly we need to check our spirits when we are more concerned with getting out in time for a sports event or festival than just "being still" and taking in what the Lord has for us that day..  Plus, aren't we there to Worship?  Is there anything more fulfilling than that?? Perhaps our thirst has taken a wrong turn. 

    I know many Leaders in the church are under pressure to keep "the schedule".  I don't know when or why this ever became a thing.  I am going to step out on a wet stone here and say, I bet it was just another tool of the enemy.  I can't find anywhere in the Bible where Jesus rushed.. I can't find anywhere in the Bible where the Disciples Hurried to share the message because they needed to get home for lunch.  

    As with everything else in our society today, the church has taken a "time hit".  In doing so, the Spirit is most certainly quenched time and time again.  So, what is the big deal if we end on time according to the schedule anyway? Let me tell you ~ 

    In the verse "Quench not the Spirit" the word quench means to suppress, stifle, or shut down.  Number one, if we all (leadership and congregation alike), go into it weekly with more thought about what our plans are after the sermon than being excited and expectant about what The Lord is going to speak to us today then we have a problem.  A heart problem.  It is wayward.  We need to bring it back home.. Back to Our Beloved, Jesus.  Back to what the Sabbath was actually set aside for. Rest.  

    Rest from the world and all in it.  Rest from schedules and anything that takes our attention away from Him.  Rest from worry, expectations, and all the "hard stuff".  REST IN HIM ALONE.  And from this true observance of Him and the rest He gives ( like nothing else in this world can give), we are Strengthened for another week of facing this world.  We are lifted up, given the ability to Speak Jesus with Boldness.  

    All of the above is important.  However, there is something even more alarming about "cutting it short" during a Spiritual meeting anywhere.  There may be a room of three hundred people, and one not be saved by the blood yet.  So the two hundred and ninety nine are watching the clock, some are raising their hands in worship, some are even praying, but the ticking of the clock is still present in their minds even if it is only whispering.  Boom, it's "time" so the music slows abruptly, the preacher gives a quick end of the service prayer and it's time to go.. BUT, the SPIRIT WASN'T FINISHED.  So the lost person walks out, still lost..... 

    When the Spirit has filled up a room you can bet there are lost there that are being called!  You can bet there are even Christians there that are being called back home after going wayward.  Listen to what this explanation states about Quenching the Spirit:
"The Christian can stifle the Holy Spirit's workings by hindering Him from leading the believers to rejoice, to give thanks in adversity, and by despising prophetic utterances inspired by the Spirit."  WOW! And let me add again, It will also pull back that person that was being called and about to make the move towards Jesus.  I have seen it!  It is heartbreaking.  

    I pray we become a Nation of people that put away the clock on Sundays.  I pray we go to church with no end time in mind at all.  I pray we allow the Holy Spirit to rain down without interjecting with worldly umbrellas.  I pray Leadership can stop worrying about one service running into another and just let it FLOW.  I pray we as Christians teach the next generations that there is absolutely nothing more important or more satisfying than to spend the day in worship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.  It is like honeycomb.  It is like a big sweet dessert at the end of a main course that wasn't so good ( the week in the world).  

    Quenching the Holy Spirit is like never truly completing an Exhale.  It's there, you can feel it coming but then something is put over the mouth of your own spirit and and the Exhale never comes.  So then we are starved for fresh breath.  

    I am thirsty. I am looking for the freedom that can only manifest when the Holy Spirit is FREE to drench us for hours if that is so what he Chooses to do for us.  

    Pour on us Lord.  Drench us.  Pour out a Revival like we have never seen.  Show us the New Thing.  Help us to not quench you in any way Father.  We love you. We love your Son. We love Your Spirit that strengthens and comforts us.  Thank You for what You are going to do in the coming days.  Praise Your Holy Name!!! 

    May the Holy Spirit be unleashed in you today, in your homes, your churches, your cities!! God Bless! 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

16. Rejoice evermore
17. Pray without ceasing
18. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you
19. Quench not the Spirit
20. Despise not prophesying
21. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good
22. Abstain from all appearance of evil
23. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
24. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it 


